14-Piece Milwaukee Sawzall Wood & Metal Bi-Metal Reciprocating Saw Blade Set $17.95 shipped


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https://www.homedepot.com/p/Milwauk...us-Blade-14-Piece-49-22-1113E/321284593?irgwc 14-Piece Milwaukee Sawzall Demolition Wood & Metal Cutting Bi-Metal Reciprocating Saw Blade Set w/ Wrecker Nitrus Blade (49-22-1113E) for $17.97. Shipping is free.

  • 1x 9" 5 TPI AX Sawzall Blade
  • 1x 9" 14 TPI TORCH Sawzall Blade
  • 3x 6" 14 TPI TORCH Sawzall Blade
  • 4x 6" 24 TPI Sawzall Blade
  • 2x 6" 18 TPI TORCH Sawzall Blade
  • 2x 6" 5 TPI Sawzall Blade
  • 1x 9" 6 TPI Wrecker with Nitrus Carbide Sawzall Blade
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