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  • Chris, can we change Carebear101's nickname at to Strawberry Fairy please? Thanks!!
    Hey Chris, have you seen anything posted yet about the sprint all star cup race for NASCAR in Charolette, NC this year? I know you posted a link last year about getting free tickets and etc for being a Sprint customer, my uncle went because he lives next to Charolette and he is hounding me about this year. I was wondering if you knew anything yet or not. I'm sure you'd post it if you did. ;)
    hi chris, just wanted to say this site is awesome!! I have been on here for a little over a year but recently started on the forums, freebies have become my hobbie! would like to know more about the gift exchange forum
    Hey Chris.. just a silly question- Why has my "Join Date" changed? It used to say Oct. - 2008, and now it says Feb - 2009. I'm just curious. Thanks!
    Hi Chris.. could I have the thread called "New coupon trade" deleted? I created a new one sorry.
    chris, I am having a problem with the showing the new freebies, I know yesterday there was the kohls regristry thing on there and today the newest I have on the list is spiru-tein samples which I know was posted about 2 days ago. How do I fix this?
    Hi Chris. I'm new here to FST. I just wanted to say thank you for a great site, and also that your dog is so cute!
    I just wanted to say thank you for everything you do for all of us. I know we are demanding at times, but we still love you!! Gracias!
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