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- Add Transformers Generations Collaborative Marvel X-Men Mash-Up to cart https://www.target.com/p/transforme...x-men-mash-up-ultimate-x-spanse/-/A-81262964?
- Total will be $64.99 - $16.25 w/ Circle Coupon = $48.74 + free shipping.
- The iconic X-Jet from the X-Men animated series is now a Transformers robot, called Ultimate X-Spanse! Unlike the Sentinels, this robot is the ultimate mutant ally.
- This figure converts into a licensed Lockheed Martin jet in 34 steps and features deco and details inspired by the X-Men animated series.
- This figure comes with Wolverine and Sabretooth mini figures that can ride on figure in both modes and 3 energy blast effects: claw and slash effects to attach to figure's hands in robot mode and an aura effect to attach around Wolverine mini figure.
- Log into or create a Target Circle account
- Click here and save the "25% Off One Select Toy" coupon. https://www.target.com/circle/o/tar...=1c7d98cdN52a011ebbc9a42010a246e2f&lnm=360518
- Coupon is one time use.
- Add Ghostbusters Transformers Generations Ectotron Ecto-1 to cart. https://www.target.com/p/ghostbuste...1c7d98cdN52a011ebbc9a42010a246e2f&lnm=360518&
- Total will be $59.99 - $15.00 w/ Circle Coupon = $44.99 + free shipping.