Samsung EDU/EPP Discount: Jet 70 Pet Cordless Stick Vacuum w/ Accessory from $137.33
Staff member
- Sign in with your eligible Samsung account that qualifies for Samsung Education or Employee Perks Program (EPP) Discounts
- Go to Jet 70 Pet Cordless Stick Vacuum
- Use the check boxes on the item page to choose an accessory (bundle prices after all discounts):
- Samsung Jet Turbo Action Brush $137.33
- Samsung Jet Soft Brush $161.12
- Samsung Jet Spinning Sweeper $179.26
- Samsung Clean Station in Airborne White $167.54
- Samsung Jet Battery $179.26
- Vacuum + All 5 Accessories $421.79
- Add to cart
- Proceed to checkout
- Apply promo code CTSJET70SPRING21
- Apply promo code HASPRING21
- Final price will vary depending on your selection, shipping is free.
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