Samsung EDU/EPP Discount: Jet 70 Pet Cordless Stick Vacuum w/ Accessory from $137.33


Staff member
  1. Sign in with your eligible Samsung account that qualifies for Samsung Education or Employee Perks Program (EPP) Discounts
  2. Go to Jet 70 Pet Cordless Stick Vacuum
  3. Use the check boxes on the item page to choose an accessory (bundle prices after all discounts):
    • Samsung Jet Turbo Action Brush $137.33
    • Samsung Jet Soft Brush $161.12
    • Samsung Jet Spinning Sweeper $179.26
    • Samsung Clean Station in Airborne White $167.54
    • Samsung Jet Battery $179.26
    • Vacuum + All 5 Accessories $421.79
  4. Add to cart
  5. Proceed to checkout
  6. Apply promo code CTSJET70SPRING21
  7. Apply promo code HASPRING21
  8. Final price will vary depending on your selection, shipping is free.
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