Get up to 5 Months of Free Apple Music for Select Walmart+ Members


Staff member
  • Walmart+ Members: up to 5 Months of Apple Music Subscription for Free valid for New / Qualified Returning Subscribers only when you follow the steps below.
    • Offer may not be available to all Walmart+ or Apple accounts.
    1. Login to your Walmart Account with a active Walmart+ Membership.
    2. Visit the Apply Music Offer Page to generate your Unique Promo Code.
    3. Select Copy code to copy your Unique Promo Code in case you need to apply it later.
    4. Select the Redeem Offer button on the page to proceed to Apple Music and Sign-in or Sign-up for a Apple account.
    5. Accept the Apple Music offer, your code should be auto-applied (if it does not you can paste your code during this step and apply it).
    6. Complete your offerto get one of the following:
      • New Subscribers should receive up to 5-Months of Apple Music for Free.
      • Returning Subscribers should receive 4-Months of Apple Music for Free
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