50-Volt Fusion Energy for Free to Claim when you click on the link and login to your account to redeem the offer to your account.
once you claim the offer, your account will be distributed with the item when you login.
You will need a total of 1000 Volt Fusion Energy to use/fuse.
This offer will be part 1 of 4 of Volt Fusion Energy, given away daily
50-Volt Fusion Energy for Free to Claim when you click on the link and login to your account to redeem the offer to your account.
once you claim the offer, your account will be distributed with the item when you login.
You will need a total of 1000 Volt Fusion Energy to use/fuse.
This offer will be part 1 of 4 of Volt Fusion Energy, given away daily
- Day: 1: WJ5DFWASCL65W
- Volt Fusion Energy is used to fuse Kyurem and Zekrom into Black Kyurem