84-Oz Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent (Original or Free & Gentle) 4 for $35


Staff member
84-Oz Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent (Original or Free & Gentle) on sale from 4 for $34.93 when you follow the instructions below. Shipping is free with Prime or on $35+ orders.

  1. Select from the following:
  2. Select the subscribe & save option if it isn't already selected
  3. 'Clip' the $3 off coupon
  4. Change the quantity to 4
  5. Proceed to checkout via Subscribe & Save
  6. The price should be as follows:
    • Original: $51.96 - $6.24 Multibuy Discount - $3.00 Coupon Savings - $2.60 Subscribe & Save - $5 P&G discount = $35.12 + Free Shipping
    • Free & Gentle: $51 - $5.52 Multibuy Discount - $3 Coupon Savings - $2.55 Subscribe & Save - $5 P&G discount = $34.93 + Free Shipping w/ Prime or on orders $35+
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