30-ct Cottonelle Ultra Clean Strong Toilet Paper on sale for $51.98 - $5.20 (clip the Buy 1, get 1 20% off Target Circle offer) - $1 (clip the Target Circle Coupon) = 2 for $45.78. Shipping is free.
- Log into or create Target Circle account
- Go to 30-ct Cottonelle Ultra Clean Strong Toilet Paper https://www.target.com/p/cottonelle...t-paper---30-mega-rolls--no-aasa/-/A-78603885
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- Clip the 'Buy 1, get 1 20% off Cottonelle Ultra Clean' Target Circle Deal on the item page
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- Your price will be $51.98 - $5.20 (Target Circle offer) - $1 (Target Circle Coupon) = 2 for $45.78