12-Months SportsLine + Paramount+ w/ Showtime Subscription Plan $40


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New Subscribers: 12-Months SportsLine + Paramount+ w/ Showtime Subscription Plan for $39.99 when you follow the instructions listed below.
  • Offer is valid for new Paramount+ Premium customers. Customers with a currently active Paramount+ Premium account will not be able to link with SportsLine.

  1. Click this link here to join SportsLine (must be a new subscriber)
  2. Click the "Get Picks Now" button for the 12-Months Plan.
  3. Register for an account by providing your name and email address
  4. On the next page, apply promo code BASKETBALL to receive your promotional offer of $39.99 for 12-Months of SportsLine service (includes Paramount+ Premium Service)
  5. Enter your billing information and proceed to checkout
  6. After successfully checking out, go to Paramount+ to link your accounts https://www.paramountplus.com/sportsline/
    • Must use the same Email address you used to sign up for Sportsline
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