Spotify Premium Members: Car Thing Device $6.99 shipped


Staff member
  1. Log into or create a Spotify Premium account
    • Users on a free or discounted trial of Premium Individual, Premium Family, Premium Duo or Premium Student are not eligible for this Car Thing Offer
  2. Go to Spotify Car Thing Offer and click on the pink 'Put Me on the List" button
  3. Enter your information
  4. Click Submit
  5. After you have received an email from Spotify stating that you are eligible to receive a Car Thing, you must follow the steps in the email:
    • Visit
    • Add the Car Thing to your cart
    • Enter a form of payment
      • Spotify gift cards and non-recurring payment methods cannot be used to participate in this Car Thing Offer
  6. Your Car Thing will be shipped to you, shipping is $6.99
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