- Visit the product page of the color of your choice and apply the corresponding promo code:
- Natural Grey $219 https://www.samsung.com/us/home-app...powerbot--r7040-robot-vacuum-vr1am7040wg-aa/?
- Apply promo code POWERVR1AM7040 in cart
- Satin Titanium $299 https://www.samsung.com/us/home-app...owerbot--r7065-robot-vacuum-vr2am7065ws-aa/?C
- Apply promo code POWERVR2AM7065 in cart
- Natural Grey $219 https://www.samsung.com/us/home-app...powerbot--r7040-robot-vacuum-vr1am7040wg-aa/?
- Proceed to checkout
- Your total will be as follows (prices below after promo codes above)
- Natural Grey $219
- Satin Titanium $299