Olight i3E EOS 90-Lumens Philips Luxeon TX LED Keychain Flashlight $5 Shipped


Staff member
Olight i3E EOS 90-Lumens Philips Luxeon TX LED Keychain Flashlight (Blue Porcelain) for Free when you login to your account (will add to cart after login and clicking the link). Shipping is $5, otherwise shipping is free on $49+ orders.

  1. Login to or register your new Olight store account https://www.olightstore.com/user?sharedid=&irpid=10451&irgwc=1
  2. The Olight i3E EOS 90-Lumens Philips Luxeon TX LED Flashlight (Blue Porcelain) will automatically be added to the cart. https://www.olightstore.com/i3e-eos-blue-porcelain-2025
  3. At checkout, price will be Free + $5 shipping (or free shipping on $49+ orders).
    • Limit 1 per person.
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