New T-Mobile Customers Free 30-Days of Service + T-Mobile Hotspot


Staff member
New T-Mobile Network Customers Only: 30-Days of Service or 30GB of Data + T-Mobile Hotspot available for Free when you sign-up for the T-Mobile Test Drive. Shipping is free.

Service begins once you insert the SIM Card and is valid for 30-days of service of 30GB of Data

  • Who is eligible?
    • Non-T-Mobile customers that have not participated in the trial within the last 6 months
      • Current T-Mobile for Business, Metro by T-Mobile, Sprint customers, or customers of T-Mobile partners using the T-Mobile network are not eligible
      • Once you have participated in the Test Drive, you are not eligible to participate again for 6 months
  • Once you've signed up the T-Mobile Test Drive hotspot will be shipped to you for free and your trial will begin when you insert the SIM card into the hotspot device and activate it for the first time on the T-Mobile network.
  • After 30-days or 30GB of data, whichever comes first, you can return the device to any T-Mobile store or pass it on to a friend.
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