GOTRAX Xr Ultra Commuting Electric Scooter $300


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  1. Click here for GOTRAX Xr Ultra Commuting Electric Scooter (Grey/Black)
  2. 'Clip' $60 coupon found on product page
    • be sure to be logged into your account
  3. Add to cart
  4. Proceed to checkout
  5. Your total will be $359.99 - $60 Coupon = $299.99 + Free Shipping
Target has GOTRAX Xr Ultra Commuting Electric Scooter (Black) on sale for $299.99 when you follow the steps below. Shipping is free.

  1. Log in to your Target Circle account.
  2. Save the 25% Off One Toy offer to your account.
    • Limit one coupon/offer per guest
  3. Go to GOTRAX Xr Ultra Commuting Electric Scooter
  4. Add item to cart
  5. Proceed to checkout
  6. The price should be $399.99 - 25% off coupon = $299.99. Shipping is free or select free store pickup where stock permits
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