5-Pack Gerber Baby Solid Onesies Bodysuits $8


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  1. Click here for the product page https://www.target.com/p/gerber-bab...1c7d98cdN52a011ebbc9a42010a246e2f&lnm=360518&
  2. Select your size from the drop down menu
    • Available sizes will vary
    • Make sure your size is shipped and sold by Amazon
    • Sale price is for the color White only
  3. Clip the $2 off coupon on the product page
  4. Proceed to checkout
  5. Total will be $9.99 - $2 off coupon = $7.99 + free shipping w/ prime or on orders $25+
    • Coupons are typically one-time use.
https://www.target.com/p/gerber-bab...1c7d98cdN52a011ebbc9a42010a246e2f&lnm=360518& b clip the coupon
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